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The Astrology of Family Patterns and the Path of Personal Healing

A new perspective on astrology is viewed through the filter of psychology, transgenerational inheritance, and patterns that repeat along the family tree.


*this is an ebook - 370 pages

*language - english

  epub file



*plus shipping

print book - 370 pages

language - english

POD - print-on-demand



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Astrology and psychology join hands to guide you in a unique, transformational process, in a journey along the axis of time, in the life and destiny of your ancestors.

”Transgenerational Astrology - Family Patterns and the Path to Self-healing” combines psycho-genealogy with astrology in a complex book, which analyzes planets, zodiac signs, aspects, and astral maps through family systems of transgenerational heritage and patterns that are unconsciously repeated along a family tree.


The book is addressed to astrology enthusiasts, being conceived as a complex guide containing both theory and case studies, explanations, and interpretations, meant to bring many revelations to the reader, a new perspective on astrology, and a new branch currently being formed - transgenerational astrology.


What information will be revealed to you throughout the book?


What happened in the past of your family tree?

Why do specific patterns repeat?

What is the legacy you unconsciously took from your ancestors?

What is the pattern by which you function, fall in love, act, and feel, and what debts have you unconsciously assumed?

What marks are left on your body, and how are diseases transmitted unconsciously?

What information is hidden in your astral chart, and how can you decode it?


A new working tool, a new perspective, a new method of understanding and healing for you and your family. Walk in the fabulous world of unconsciousness and discover the red thread of your family novel: secrets, unwritten laws, beliefs, dogmas, love, family relationships, fidelity, health, unconscious, destiny, duality, trauma, and healing.

A new vision, a new path to deep healing!

Barbara Băcăuanu

Barbara Bacauanu is a certified professor in Astrology and Numerology, creator and trainer of self-development programs through archetypes, tarot, psychology, and meditation, and founder of The School of Spiritual Sciences, Romania. She had more than 10000 private astrology and numerology counseling sessions during her 15 years of experience.


She is also the creator of Revelations, Transparent Symbols Oracle deck.

Barbara Bacauanu_edited.jpg


RALUCA, Romania

The subject itself is extremely vast and interesting. I can only say that step by step, finding the aspects encountered in my family mirrored in astrocharts (whose meanings are revealed in the book...) - this whole course of awareness and understanding has a profound healing effect. Thanks and gratitude for this knowledge!


Reading this sensational book, I felt as if I understood my entire family tree. The actions, the actions of my grandmother, my mother, but also mine and my children's. I understood the patterns that unite us in the same family, where things were done wrong and what we can direct to our generations regarding the same inherited aspects so that we can repair as much as possible and do things right from now on! Respect and love to Barbara Bacauanu for her work and for opening the horizon of time to us!

Alexandra Popescu, Romania

I was fascinated by this book! A beautiful and very useful book!
Astrology lovers will be delighted!

The book is structured in six parts: Part I - Family - It treats the universe of the astral chart and personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury) through the prism of family members and their importance in the transgenerational system. The three laws of genealogical systems are treated - the law of belonging, the law of order, and the law of giving and receiving. Part II - The family's dowry box It analyzes the transgenerational planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and virtual points (Lilith, Lunar Nodes) regarding transgenerational heritage. At the same time, it explains how family patterns are formed and passed on. Part III - Dynamics of family relationships It analyzes aspects between personal planets, interpreting them in terms of relationships and behaviors that are created within a family. Part IV - Print It analyzes all aspects formed between transgenerational and personal planets, organizing them in non-integrated traumas, patterns, summonses, and pathways of emotional healing. Part V - Zodiacs - Zodiacal archetypes are explained in terms of unconscious memory, fears, and possible transgenerational reactions. Part VI - Case studies - Relieves case studies, examples analyzed and interpreted TABEL OF CONTENTS Astrology and Psycho-Genealogy Constellations Family tree therapy Family tree chart Transgenerational Astrology The pathway to the ancestors Part I - The Family Mercury Family scenario The ghost Brotherhood The law of order, belonging, and balance Pattern inheritance according to the order of emergence in the system Hermes What are the questions answered by the study of planet Mercury? The Sun and the Moon The parental couple Conscious - Unconscious The Outer and Inner side Father-Sun The need to be seen The Sun, the self, and the ego What are the questions answered by the study of the Sun? Mother - Moon Belonging The Moon, unconscious family patterns What are the questions answered by the study of the Moon? Parental complexes Mars and Venus Men and Women Masculine - Feminine The gifts Love What are the questions answered by the study of the planet Venus? What are the questions answered by the study of the planet Mars? Part II - Family’s dowry chest Saturn The decisions The pattern Structure, organization, and rules The obligation to the family Cycles of Saturn Saturn in Transgenerational Astrology Jupiter The questions Freedom, adventure, exploration, new horizons Education Social Class Religion, dogma and the Church Jupiter in Transgenerational Astrology Uranus The unpredictable The Atypical Breaking free Revolution and revolt Novelty Uranus in Transgenerational Astrology Neptune The subtle link, the unconscious Dream and illusion The lies, the secrets, the distortion of reality Imagination Fantasy Duality, parallel lives The spells Faith and spirituality Creation Neptune in Transgenerational Astrology Pluto Destruction trauma Personal transformation Dependency and attachment Abuse and possession The fear Passing away The legacy Pluto in Transgenerational Astrology Lilith and Chiron The shadow, the wound and the healing The Nodal Axis of the Moon Part III - The dynamics of family relationships Mars and Venus, the sons and the daughters Harmonious aspect Hard aspect Feminity Moon - Venus Mother, daughters and love Moon - Mars Mother, Sons and Personal Independence Moon - Mercury Mother’s words Mercury - Venus Feminine Intelligence Masculinity Sun - Mars Father, Sons and Masculinity Sun - Venus Father, daughters and femininity Mercury - Mars Masculine Intelligence Part IV - Patterns Aspects of the planet Jupiter Jupiter - Sun Jupiter - Moon Jupiter - Mars Jupiter - Venus Jupiter - Mercury Aspects of planet Saturn Saturn - Sun Saturn - Moon Saturn - Venus Saturn - Mars Saturn - Mercury Aspects of the planet Uranus Uranus - Sun Uranus - Moon Uranus - Mars Uranus - Venus Uranus - Mercury Aspects of the planet Neptune Neptune - Sun Neptune - Moon Neptune - Venus Neptune - Mars Neptune - Mercury Aspects of the planet Pluto Pluto - Sun Pluto - Moon Pluto - Mars Pluto - Venus Pluto - Mercury Inter-aspects of transpersonal planets Jupiter - Saturn Jupiter - Uranus Jupiter - Neptune Jupiter - Pluto Saturn - Uranus Saturn - Neptune Saturn - Pluto Uranus - Neptune Uranus - Pluto Neptune - Pluto Part V - Appendices Memory, Fears and Reactions of Zodiac Archetypes Retrograde planets Degree of Planets in the Transgenerational Astrology Part VI - Case studies The British Royal Family and Neptune The five Rothschild brothers The Romanovs Nehru-Feroze Gandhi Family A bond beyond the grave Lunar Nodes and Transgenerational Legacy Saturn in Pisces Why am I not successful? I feel like a living dead! From passion to sin Other systems analyzed Healing and liberation Barbara Băcăuanu Revelations - Transparent Symbols, psychotherapeutic oracle cards


The Astrology of Family Patterns and the Path of Personal Healing





*ebook - 370 pages

  language - english

  epub file

*plus shipping

print book - 370 pages

language - english

 POD - print-on-demand

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