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The prosperity flow

The land of Revelations


Personal development course through

  • Awareness of the unconscious

  • Introspection

  • Psychotherapeutic self-analysis

  • Revelations

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The price of the program includes Revelations - Transparent Symbols oracle cards.

The Prosperity Flow will take you back in time, now and before,

redefine a meaningful relationship in your life - the relationship with money!

It is the beginning of a transformative journey into your inner world, at the end of which the relationship
with the Self will be redefined, and with it, your whole world will change!

You will refresh and access the flow of prosperity, you will attract abundance, and you will redefine your reality

 and activate an unsuspected potential, as well as many opportunities!

Needs versus desires

Discovering personal value - how much am I worthing?

Talent release and empowerment

Become the one you desire and receive the reward

Fulfill your desire for cash flow

Give and receive abundance

The laws of creation

The inner world is changing, and you become a CREATOR

Redefine the Builder, Artist, Creator, Destroyer, Saboteur, Wizard, and Alchemist within you.

This course is for you if

  1. You want to make a big difference in your life.

  2. If you are not satisfied with your financial situation and want to activate the flow of prosperity

  3. If you want to heal the relationship with the past

  4. If you want to attract money, success, and fulfillment in your life

  5. If you are willing to work with yourself and look in the mirror of your person and life

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Aware * Heal * Release * Create

  • ​The Prosperity Flow course is a way of working with yourself, with your memories, wounds, fears, or failures, to produce a profound change.


  • The course happens in progressive stages and topics where some participants may need to reflect more, work harder, or move on. ​Depending on the pace of each, the course may take a different time, but not less than 45 days.

  • Each theme consists of an introspective exercise, a psychological application, a therapeutic technique, a revelation produced by Symbols, or a test of truth. Each step can be considered a therapy and psychotherapy session in itself.​

  • Every day and step will be a revelation, healing, and liberation, closer to your best and fulfilling your desires for love, personal life, and relationships!

Embark on the journey of the inner hero and attract prosperity into your life

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The price of the program includes Revelations - Transparent Symbols oracle cards.

What are the steps you will take along the way?

Module I - Me, now

  • Where do you stand in the therapeutic chain?

  • What are the changes you need to make in your life?

  • The feelings that money gives you

  • The difference between an attitude of fear and an attitude of prosperity

  • Your vibrational signature on the money

  • How much money do you attract?

  • The why behind your money.

  • Find out what you work for

  • The difference between needs and desires

  • What is your relationship with money?

  • How to bring prosperity into your life

Module II - The Past and Beliefs

  • What you have inside is visible on the outside

  • What is your financial past?

  • Parents and how you were taught to win

  • Changing perception

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Identify what is blocking you from being in the flow of prosperity

  • What are the wounds behind your beliefs?

  • Who taught you about money?

  • Self-retraction


Module III - Affirmations and Promises to Self

  • The statements of your energetic pattern

  • Promises made to the Self, desires fulfilled

  • Need vs. Passion

  • Reconfigure your money path

  • Blockages and opportunities

  • What is your path?

  • Wealth and mirrors in your life

  • Show me who is surrounding you so I can tell you who you are

  • Your mantra to being prosperous

  • Debt settlement

Module IV - Personal value

  • How good you are

  • Your value and the value of the people and situations in your life

  • Appreciation, esteem, love, success

  • Your life is full of wealth

Module V - Gratitude

  • The vibration of gratitude

  • Joy

  • Positive emotions

  • Work without working

  • The rewards of life and the abundance of the Universe

Module VI - The future

  • Reconfigure the present

  • Experiences of the Future

  • Creating reality

  • Guided film meditation - The flow of money

Revelations programs

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  • The Flow of Prosperity is part of the series of transformational courses Revelations, a unique concept worldwideAlthough they form a complex and complete psychotherapeutic path, each course in this package addresses a particular theme; therefore, it can be followed individually, not conditioned by participation in the others.

  • The student can enter any module in the series without going through the others.

  • After following one of the courses, there is no obligation to attend the other courses in the series.

  • Courses in the Revelations package contain themes, tests, and applications designed by experienced psychotherapists to make the awareness and healing process deep and lasting.

  • All courses in the Revelations series also contain applications based on working with the symbols in the subconscious.

  • To participate, you`ll need a deck of Revelations - Transparent Symbols oracle cards, which is included.

  • Immediately after purchasing the course, you can download the 26 lessons and one filmic guided meditation.

  • No timetable; study at your own pace, anywhere, anytime.

  • You will follow the course lessons yourself, don`t rush through lessons, and let the introspection deepen within yourself.

  • You can contact the Trainer or the Guide whenever you have questions by sending an email.

  • After completing the course, you can request a certificate. It will be sent to you in private by email.

We recommend using  Revelations, Transparent Symbols oracle cards to participate in the course.


The course was designed with the Revelations deck of transparent symbols in mind. The Prosperity Flow course includes 80% psychotherapeutic steps and 20% use of symbolic language.

The price of the program includes Revelations - Transparent Symbols oracle cards.

After purchase, we will ship the Oracle cards to you according to the personal information you will provide.

(full name and address, phone no.)

about Revelations oracle

Meet your Guide

Barbara Bacauanu

Barbara is a certified professor in Astrology and Numerology, creator and trainer of self-development programs through archetypes, tarot, psychology, and meditation, and founder of The School of Spiritual Sciences, Romania. Creator of Revelations, Transparent symbols.


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Enter the program and start creating your new life

The price of the program includes Revelations - Transparent Symbols oracle cards.

Reveland Programs

Dialogues with the Self

Rider Waite Tarot initiation

The tarot is an art, but at the same time a valuable tool for working with the Self! Look in the mirror of the truth, learn the Tarot and activate your intuition!


Anima & Animus


Look in the mirror of your relationships, heal and release the wounds of the past, balance the woman and the man in you, and show love!


Light Language


The language of light is the language of the soul. Listen to sessions, meditations, and transmissions for activation, healing, release, and meditation.


Transformation of the Self

Rider Waite Tarot master

With the help of rituals and meditations, the archetypes and images in Tarot cards can be turned into personal experiences. Realize your inner potential, change your life and become who you want to be!


The prosperity flow


What are the reasons money is a problem for you? What keeps you from winning, living in abundance, and fulfilling all your dreams?



Filmic meditation

Are you passionate about the beauty of crystals? Learn how to use the vibrations and energies of your body to induce them into crystals and how to develop your psychic abilities.


The quantum Self

Filmic meditation

A profound transformational program, a journey into the quantum field and self, into the world of Totems, Spiritual Guides, the Akasha Chronicle, and the realm of all possibilities.


The revelations of the family tree


An invitation to travel to the distant past of the family to see, understand and release the untold stories, secrets, events and feelings of the ancestors.

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