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Light Language

The land of Revelations

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The Language of light transcends beyond the physical and rational world because it addresses the unconscious mind, speaking about the meaning of the soul.


Light Language is considered to be the Language of Angels, the Galactic Language, the Language of the Soul, or the Language of the Universal Mind!


The Language of light is a form of healing, receiving, and activating uplifting vibrations, which can change what is and the structures of the physical world!

Our gift to you!

The collective transmissions are free!

The Language of Light is a multidimensional language understood at the soul`s level but can manifest its influence at all the structures level of a person. The language of Light uses sound and light frequencies, codes that are activated in the structures of everything alive. The healing and energetic activation sessions with the Language of Light work by vibrational transfer to the physical and subtle energetic body levels.

The benefits of listening to sessions

  • It releases energy blockages from all bodies - physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically.

  • It brings understanding, clarity, and revelations to certain past or present situations.

  • It activates what everyone needs to receive.

  • The Light codes heal, cleanse, purify, and transform negative energy into positive energy.

  • It activates intuition and clairvoyance.

  • Don't ask yourself what it means what you hear; the sounds, movements, drawings, vibrations, or frequencies are all recognized, felt, and experienced by the soul, body, and heart!

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Quick Data on free light language transmissions

  • You can download meditations to any device - phone, tablet, or laptop.

  • Meditations contain meta music, binaural sounds, and frequency like Alpha and Theta

  • No previous knowledge required

Light Language free transmissions

  • Light Language Meditations are transmitted and offered as gifts by Cristina, Divine Light Language.

  • Below, you will find meditations and transmissions from all levels - activation, protection, healing, clarity, energizing, cleansing, liberation, sacred geometry, etc.

  • Follow the Reveland YouTube channel so you don't miss any uploads.

  • Follow us on social media and be part of our community

Many more transmissions are to come soon!

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  • YouTube
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Meet your guide

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It’s not easy for me to talk about myself. Mercury retrograde in the Leo sign, the third house, is probably responsible for this. Sorry for this introduction; I cannot hide my passion for astrology.

My parents named me Cristina. Or, maybe I am the one that inspired them because I feel that I have liked this name forever.

Light language activation occurred on Thursday, 2nd of August, 2019, while I was ironing my clothes and watching somebody on YouTube explaining what light language is and how the sound is different depending on the intention of the transmission. While he was giving examples, at one point, he pronounced the word “INAHATA. “ Probably, it sounded familiar to me because it was close to “Anahata,” which I know. I found myself repeating the word out loud three times and felt the unique vibration of the sound coming out of my mouth. I felt that vibration! The next second, without any preparation and unexpectedly, I just started to verbalize the words.

Light language just flew through my mouth, and I was in shock. I start crying and thinking at the same time: OMG! This was happening to me and I couldn’t believe it! Of course, my mind and my thoughts were jumping, and I was thinking: I hope my phone will not ring! If so, I won’t answer. Should I turn off the light? Or on? I better not move at all. Make sure the iron is vertical!


I felt a cocktail of emotions and feelings during the transmission. At one point, it stopped. Feeling the need to sit down and process what just happened, I sat in the armchair, but somebody else had other plans. I breathed a few times deeply, and there I started again. Another transmission began.


Well, the next weekend, I was willing to try again🤡. Nothing! Nothing happened! I admit that I felt disappointed, but just a little bit, because I thought and admitted that it probably was just another sign (like many others I experienced since childhood) to make me accept that there is something more in the Universe and, of course, NOT FOR ME. I’m not the one to decide what divine abilities I should develop. It wasn’t meant to be! Next Monday, without any expectations or preparation, it started again. 😇 And it was for good! I channel more than fifteen dialects but never anticipate what’s coming. What I know is that the intention is the most important thing!


After that, the next year, I experienced my spiritual awakening. THE HARD WAY!🤯Next to know, my Divine Natural Abilities(DNA) were released to me. I hope to contribute to you and others who feel the call for change in evolution!


My message to you all is this:


How much joy I feel when you dare to express and experience yourself so differently and wonderfully! Accept that! Accept that you are different and similar at the same time! And I love you all the same! And if you look through my eyes, you will feel the same love I feel for you!

Cristina, Divine Light Language

Book a private session
30 min/ 66 euro

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Reveland programs

Dialogues with the Self

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The tarot is an art, but at the same time a valuable tool for working with the Self! Look in the mirror of the truth, learn the Tarot and activate your intuition!


Anima & Animus


Look in the mirror of your relationships, heal and release the wounds of the past, balance the woman and the man in you, and show love!


Light Language


The language of light is the language of the soul. Listen to sessions, meditations, and transmissions for activation, healing, release, and meditation.


Transformation of the Self

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With the help of rituals and meditations, the archetypes and images in Tarot cards can be turned into personal experiences. Realize your inner potential, change your life and become who you want to be!


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The quantum Self

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A profound transformational program, a journey into the quantum field and self, into the world of Totems, Spiritual Guides, the Akasha Chronicle, and the realm of all possibilities.


The revelations of the family tree


An invitation to travel to the distant past of the family to see, understand and release the untold stories, secrets, events and feelings of the ancestors.

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