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The revelations
of the
family tree

The land of Revelations

Personal development course through

  • Transgenerational genogram

  • Introspection

  • Psychotherapeutic self-analysis

  • Psychogenealogy

  • Revelations

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The price of the program includes Revelations - Transparent Symbols Oracle cards.



This course invites you to travel into your family's distant past to see, understand, and release your ancestors' untold stories, secrets, events, and experiences that have turned generations into life patterns!


The past messages find the language they needed in Revelations, oracle cards to communicate with the subtle world.

This course is for you if

  1. You want to make a big difference in both your life and your family

  2. If you want to heal and free yourself from the patterns of the distant past

  3. If you want to step into the subtle world of your ancestors and understand the messages they send you

  4. If you want to bring love, peace, health, prosperity, and fulfillment into your life

  5. If you are willing to work with yourself and look in the mirror of your person and life


Psychogenealogy and Revelations

  • A genogram is a form of kinship representation used in systemic family therapy to represent and evaluate family relationships, recurring constellations, and anamnesis. The content of a genogram goes far beyond a family tree because it visualizes patterns of behavior, psychological factors that determine relationships, and repetitive patterns within a family. Family research uses genograms to record family members' lives and analyze exciting facts, such as name groups, rivalries, historical events, the risks of specific ailments, emotional ties, and family solidarity. Genograms allow the identification and understanding of processes between many generations.


  • Along with the knowledge provided by Transgenerational Psychology, Family Constellations patterns, and the Genogram, Working with Symbols provides the perfect language for dialogue with the subtle world and for receiving revealing messages.


  • An innovative work system, unique in the world - Psychogenealogy and Revelations in a complex, transformative, and liberating program for the one who goes through it and his entire family system!

Aware * Heal * Release * Create

  • ​The Revelations of the family tree course is a way of working with yourself, with your memories, wounds, fears, or failures, to produce a profound change.


  • The course happens in progressive stages and topics where some participants may need to reflect more, work harder, and move on. â€‹Depending on the pace of each, the course may take a different time, but not less than 60 days.


  • Each theme consists of an introspective exercise, a psychological application, a therapeutic technique, a guided meditation, a ritual, or a revelation produced by Symbols. Each step can be considered a therapy and psychotherapy session in itself.​


  • Every day and step will bring you revelations, healing, and liberation, taking you closer to your best and fulfilling your desires for love, personal life, and relationships!

Embark on the journey of the inner hero and attract love into your family tree

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The price of the program includes Revelations - Transparent Symbols Oracle cards.

Get started on the red thread of your family novel!



Where do you stand in the therapeutic chain?

What are the changes you need to make in your life?

The importance of the family tree

The story of your unhappiness

The family novel

Making the family tree

Working with the genogram

The secrets, the black holes in the family

The secrets of the past are in front of you

Spreading the mysteries and their repercussions on future generations

What are your secrets?

Family patterns

The flow of words over generations

Scenarios behind family tensions

Giving up scripts that don't belong to you

Objects that transcend time


What did you inherit?

How do your ancestors talk to you?

Do you gladly accept or reject?

The children in your family

The ghost child, the surrogate child, the divine child, the hidden child, the murdered child

What's the scenario in your head?

Situations in your family's past stand the test of time




The laws of the family system

Restoring balance in the family

Partners and Lovers, past and present

Messages and conversations with ancestors

The past is in your subconscious

The red thread of the family novel

Awareness and release of the script

The maternal line of the tree

The paternal line of the tree

The women of your family

The men of your family

Transgenerational diseases

Somatizations - your body speaks to you








Ritual of unborn children

The ritual of past loves

The ritual of honoring ancestors

The ritual of the female line

The ritual of the male line

Ritual of recognition, liberation, healing

Personal symbolic rituals




Transgenerational film meditation - Time travel

Film Meditation - Honor and Blessing






Ioana Păduraru

Psychodrama and Family constellations psychotherapist

Clinical psychologist


Personal Development Advisor

Bowen therapist accredited by the Bowen academy in Australia

Facilitator of Forgiveness Therapy program - The Journey

Consciousness access facilitator

Ioana Paduraru_edited.jpg

Barbara Băcăuanu

Creator of 'Revelations, Transparent Symbols' 

Natal, Karmic, Predictive, Relationships Astrology Accredited Professor

Founder of the 'School of Spiritual Sciences, Romania', and of

'Reveland, the land of Revelations'

Trainer, book author, and creator of self-development programs

Astrologer, Numerologer

Barbara Bacauanu_edited.jpg

Revelations programs

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  • The Revelations of the family tree is part of the series of transformational courses Revelations, a unique concept in the worldAlthough they form a complex and complete psychotherapeutic path, each course in this package addresses a particular theme; therefore, it can be followed individually, not conditioned by participation in the others.

  • The student can enter any module in the series without going through the others.​

  • After taking one of the courses, there is no obligation to attend the other courses in the series.​

  • Courses in the Revelations package contain themes, tests, and applications designed by experienced psychotherapists to make the awareness and healing process deep and lasting.​

  • All courses in the Revelations series also contain applications based on working with the symbols in the subconscious.

  • You will need a deck of Revelations - Transparent Symbols to participate, included in the price.

  • Immediately after purchasing the course, you will download the lessons and the filmic guided meditations. No timetable; study at your own pace. 

  • You will take the course lessons yourself, don`t rush, let the introspection deepen within yourself.

  • You can contact the Trainer or the Guide whenever you have questions by sending an email.

  • After completing the course, you can request a certificate. It will be sent to you in private by email.

To participate in the course we recommend using Revelations - Transparent Symbols oracle cards.



The course was designed with the Revelations deck of transparent symbols in mind. The Revelations of the family tree program includes 80% psychotherapeutic steps and 20% use of symbolic language.

The price of the program includes Revelations - Transparent Symbols Oracle cards.

After purchase, we will ship to you the oracle deck according to the personal information you will provide.

(full name and address, phone no.)


about Revelations cards

Enter the program and start creating your new life
Program price: 399 euro

Reveland Programs

Dialogues with the Self

Rider Waite Tarot initiation

The tarot is an art, but at the same time a valuable tool for working with the Self! Look in the mirror of the truth, learn the Tarot and activate your intuition!

Anima & Animus


Look in the mirror of your relationships, heal and release the wounds of the past, balance the woman and the man in you, and show love!

Light Language


The language of light is the language of the soul. Listen to sessions, meditations, and transmissions for activation, healing, release, and meditation.

Transformation of the Self

Rider Waite Tarot master

With the help of rituals and meditations, the archetypes and images in Tarot cards can be turned into personal experiences. Realize your inner potential, change your life and become who you want to be!

The prosperity flow


What are the reasons money is a problem for you? What keeps you from winning, living in abundance, and fulfilling all your dreams?


Filmic meditation

Are you passionate about the beauty of crystals? Learn how to use the vibrations and energies of your body to induce them into crystals and how to develop your psychic abilities.

The quantum Self

Filmic meditation

A profound transformational program, a journey into the quantum field and self, into the world of Totems, Spiritual Guides, the Akasha Chronicle, and the realm of all possibilities.

The revelations of the family tree


An invitation to travel to the distant past of the family to see, understand and release the untold stories, secrets, events and feelings of the ancestors.

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